Hathersage St. Michael's C of E (A) Primary School

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School Lane, Hathersage, Hope Valley, Derbyshire, S32 1BZ


01433 650434

Hathersage St. Michael's C of E (A) Primary School

Governor Information

Meeting dates: The dates of Governing Board meetings for the current school year are:

The FGB generally meets once per term i.e. three times per school year.

Finance, Premises and General Resource Committee Meetings and Personnel Committee meetings occur throughout the year.

There are no members of this Governing body who are partners of any members of staff.

Pecuniary and Business Interests.

At the start of each meeting the Governors are asked for any interests to be declared in any of the items on the agenda. This is noted in the minutes of the meeting.

Additionally at the first meeting of each school year the Governors, the Clerk to Governors and the School Assistant Business Manager complete a declaration of business interest form. These are filed by the Clerk to Governors along with the minutes of the meeting.