Hathersage St. Michael's C of E (A) Primary School

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School Lane, Hathersage, Hope Valley, Derbyshire, S32 1BZ


01433 650434

Hathersage St. Michael's C of E (A) Primary School

Governance Annual Summary


Who are our Governors?

The school has an active and supportive governing body. Because the school is church aided, the majority of governors are foundation (church appointed) governors.  The non-foundation governors include representatives elected by parents, a governor appointed by the Local Authority, a teacher and a governor appointed by the Parish Council. Please don’t hesitate to contact any of us (see pen portraits for details), particularly the parent representatives, if you have any queries or matters you wish to discuss about the school.

What do Governors do?

The role of governors is to ensure that the school fully meets pupils’ educational needs, by supporting and promoting it, but also by acting as a critical friend – asking questions and monitoring its performance. Governors are responsible for the strategic management of the budget and ensuring that the school is adequately staffed, ensuring that curriculum requirements are fulfilled and that pupils with special educational needs and disabilities are catered for, the maintenance of the buildings (including fundraising 10% of capital costs) and health and safety issues, the admissions policy, and providing appropriate information for parents.  The full governing board meets at least once a term, and has four committees which meet regularly and through which much of the detailed work is carried out.  These are the Finance, Premises and General Resources, Personnel, Learning and School Development & Pay Policy committees.


Voluntary Aided Schools

A voluntary aided school (VA school) is a state-funded school in England and Wales in which a foundation or trust (usually a religious organisation), contributes to building costs and has a substantial influence in the running of the school.

VA schools are paid on a similar basis to other categories of school, but the governing body must usually pay at least 10% of the costs of capital work. Responsibility for work to VA school premises is shared between the school's governing body and the local authority (LA).

In order to raise these funds, the Governors arrange 'The Hathersage Hurtle'.

The Hathersage Hurtle is an exciting annual event in the Hope Valley, covering 20 miles and 2,800 feet of ascent, a challenging course that you can run or walk. It starts and finishes in Hathersage with walkers setting off between 8-9am before a mass start for the runners at 10am. There are hot drinks available at the start and lovely home-baked cakes at the finish. Join us. Run. Walk. Love It!


Hathersage Hurtle 2023
Well done on another successful day and weren't we lucky with the weather despite the cold start!
Please pass on our thanks from school to the Hurtle committee and volunteers.
To date The Hurtle has contributed funds towards:
A new roof to the main school building
Refurbishment of a Key Stage 1 cloakroom
Refurbishment of Key Stage 1 boys and girls toilet areas
Refurbishment of the school hall including a lowered ceiling to improve acoustics
Installation of fixed outdoor & adventurous play equipment
We now need to provide funds towards:
New metal roller shutters at two catering hatches
Re-rendering of the Key Stage 2 building
Large metal outdoor storage units
Continue to install further fixed outdoor & adventurous play equipment