Hathersage St. Michael's C of E (A) Primary School

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School Lane, Hathersage, Hope Valley, Derbyshire, S32 1BZ


01433 650434

Hathersage St. Michael's C of E (A) Primary School


We are at the 'Heart of the Community'. We take part in and support many village and Hope Valley events as well as entertaining the community and fundraising for village appeals.


To ensure your children arrive and leave school in safety, please respect the area and do not park on the grassy area on the corner of School Lane, in private driveways or across gateways. You MUST NOT wait or park on yellow lines during the times of operation shown on nearby time plates. Double yellow lines indicate a prohibition of waiting at any time even if there are no upright signs. You MUST NOT wait or park, or stop to set down and pick up passengers, on school entrance markings.

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Gala Picnic 2023

We often invite the community to join us for special events such as our annual school show performed by our Year 6 pupils, supported by our Year 5 pupils, or to our Jubilee Cream Tea and Performance Afternoon to celebrate the Platinum Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II.

A large number of families joined us for our Gala Picnic in July 2023. Many children chose to play an instrument, perform with a band, dance, demonstrate gymnastics routines, sing or tell jokes. It was a lovely way to spend a lunchtime and the weather was gorgeous too. Thank you to all those who performed and to those who joined us! We received some lovely comments which I have shared with the children and staff. Thanks also to our PTFA for running the raffle.

Well Dressing..... A Derbyshire tradition that we all enjoy taking part in. Our Nursery children create a scarecrow too!

Sharing our Musical Talents

Our Junior Church Choir perform at church and at village events connected to Church e.g. Blessing of the Wells.

Our KS2 Choir perform at various events throughout the year e.g. Christmas Carol Singing to raise funds for the Homeless, The Lunch Club and at concerts. They were asked to join the prestigious Hathersage Choir this year and rose to the challenge of learning songs for their concert performance of Captain Noah.

Sharing our Artistic Talents

We entered a 'Design a new logo for Friends of Hathersage Station Competition'. In the slide show below is the  winning design which will be displayed at the station and on all paperwork.

We create a village Christmas Card for the Churches Together at Christmas.

We design a front and back cover for the annual Gala Week Programme. Sometimes the judges find it so difficult to select just two designs that we also have a 'middle of the programme design' too!

We designed tea towels for the PTFA to help raise funds for our school.

We design posters to advertise The Hathersage Hurtle to raise funds for the school building.

We designed pictures of Bible Stories for the residents of Moorland House. They selected four winning designs and made them into stained glass windows for their four Chapel windows.

Growing your own potato in a pot or a bucket - links with Hathersage Horticultural Society
Fancy a delicious homegrown, pest free potato? If so, try this:
You need to provide your own container (ideally about 15 litres) and some compost (peat free if possible) and we will provide you with a Charlotte potato tuber for 50p.
This event is open to everyone and is being run by the Horticultural Society. The aim is to plant your potato in a pot or a bucket during the 3rd week in March and harvest it 100 days later around 1st July. Once harvested, clean your freshly dug potatoes and weigh them and send your photos to HHS. Start chitting (putting it in a light place indoors and letting it sprout) your tuber straight away.

Remembrance Day - We hope you all enjoyed the display of beautiful and creative poppies that every child made as a school contribution to the ‘Hathersage Remembers’ War Memorial.

Hope Valley Climate Action Visit

With Climate Change at the forefront of everyone’s minds during COP26 and young inspirational speakers like Greta Thunberg capturing the interest of the pupils, the school were pleased to invite Ghazala and Steve from Hope Valley Climate Action in to the classroom to discuss their experiences with our Year 4,5 and 6 children. 

Ghazala shared her inspiring Antarctica trip with the children and allowed for lots of discussion about her first hand experiences as well as answering general climate change questions. The children followed this up with a card game activity that allowed them to think about the changes they could make at home and at school in order to reduce their carbon footprint! The children’s climate change pledges were written on their pledge card and taken home in order to remind themselves of the little changes they’d like to make.