In Nursery, themes are developed throughout the year based upon the changing seasons, cultural and religious festivals, school and national events and the children’s current interests.
The planned and taught content is based on the Early Learning Goals and Development Matters documents.
In the Reception year we develop our curriculum around what the children already know and try to extend their interests. Planning each week is based on a key book related to the current areas of interest. Activities include well planned play activities to develop all areas of the curriculum. There is a balance of teacher and child-initiated activities. There are set times of the day where the children are involved in planned activities to develop the Early Learning Goals, they are then given the opportunity to develop these independently during child initiated and supported play.
All staff hold the individual child’s needs at the centre of planning. This is achieved through detailed observation and assessment.
Staff achieve this through:
- Observing children as they act and interact in their play, everyday activities, child initiated activities and planned activities, and learning from and sharing with parents about what the child does at home.
- Considering the examples of development as stated in the unique theme: observing what children can do, and identifying the stage on their developmental journey.
- Considering ways to support the child to strengthen and deepen their current learning and development.
- Considering the individual needs, interests, and stage of development of each child. This information is then effectively used to plan a challenging and enjoyable experience for each child in all of the areas of learning and development. This is evident in long, short and ‘in the moment’ planning.
- Encouraging a culture where children are sensitive towards others, can demonstrate resilience and perseverance, learn to cope with challenges and set backs, and can be curious, make decisions and solve problems.