Hathersage St. Michael's C of E (A) Primary School

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School Lane, Hathersage, Hope Valley, Derbyshire, S32 1BZ


01433 650434

Hathersage St. Michael's C of E (A) Primary School


Our School Governors support the Headteacher and staff in planning for and reviewing the strategic improvement of the school.

Our Governors include representatives from the Parents, the Church, the LA, the Parish Council, the local community  and the Staff.

Mrs. Fiona Jackson


Mrs. Jo Wood

Co-opted Governor

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Ms. Charlotte Coey

Parent Governor.

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Dr. Kirsty Rogerson

Foundation Governor

 Ms Laura John

Local Authority Governor

Mrs. Lindsey Garner

 Foundation Governor

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Mrs. Joy Dunning

Staff Governor

Mr. Andrew Knight

Foundation Governor

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Mr. Gary Thorne

Parent Governor

Mr. Steve Wyatt

Clerk to Governors

Mrs. Elisabeth Madden

Foundation Governor

Venerable Dr. Paul Moore

Ex-officio Foundation Governor

Ms. Kay Furness

Foundation Governor

Mr. Mick Turton

Foundation Governor

Chair of Governors